Our Company's Board of Directors has resolved the following in addition to other matters:
In accordance with the 20th article of Capital Markets Legislation no.6362, 3rd Section of Capital Markets Board's ‘Communique on Dividends' no. II-19.1 and related provisions of Capital Markets Board's ‘Dividend Guidance', as per the last clause of 22nd article of our Company's Articles of Association, 11th article of our Company's ‘Dividend Policy' and the authority given by our Company's shareholders to our Board of Directors in relation to 12th agenda item of our Company's General Assembly held on March 30, 2022;
It has been decided to distribute an advance dividend payment of TRY291,000,000 ("gross"), TRY261,900,000 ("net") out of the amount remaining after deduction of required reserves from net income according to the Consolidated Financial Statements for the Interim Period of 1 January – 30 September 2022. These figures correspond to 11.21% gross and 10.01% net of our Company's paid in capital. It has also been decided to start advance dividend payment distribution before December 30, 2022.