JCR Eurasia Rating has reviewed the credit ratings of Doğan Şirketler Grubu Holding A.Ş., rating it at a “high investment grade level”, increased its Long-Term National Rating from “AA (Trk)/Stable Outlook” to “AAA (Trk)/Stable Outlook”, which is the highest level of credit rating, and has confirmed its Short-Term National Rating as "A-1+ (Trk)/Stable Outlook", which is again the highest credit rating. On the other hand, in line with the country's credit rating, the Long Term International Foreign Currency and Long Term International Local Currency Ratings were determined to be “BB/Stable Outlook”. Accordingly, while the Supporting Rating of the controlling shareholders for Doğan Şirketler Grubu Holding A.Ş. was confirmed as “1”, which is the highest level in the JCR Eurasia Rating notation, taking into account the capability of Doğan Şirketler Grubu Holding A.Ş. with regards to managing the risks it has undertaken, its capacity to generate balanced revenues and EBITDA, strong cash and liquid investment position, diversified investment portfolio, strong market position and profitability ratios, its score in 'Independence from Its Partners' category was raised from "AB" to "A", which is again the highest level.
The “Rating Notification Form” of JCR Eurasia Rating related with the credit rating is also accessible through our Corporate Web Site www.doganholding.com.tr.