Election of the Board of Directors Committees


Our Board of Directors have been resolved today (27.05.2020);


to constitute the Executive Committee, will continue its duties until the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting to convene to discuss 2020 activity results, for assisting the activities of the Board of Directors considering the relevant provisions of the Articles of Association of our Company




FULL NAME                              TITLE


Çağlar Göğüş                           President (CEO)

Bora Yalınay                             Member (Chief Financial Officier - CFO)

Tolga Babalı                              Member (Financial and Operational Management)

Vedat Mungan                           Member (Strategic Planning and Business Management)


to constitute the Committee presidents and members excluding Corporate Governance Committee, will continue its duties until the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting to convene to discuss 2020 activity results, for assisting the activities of the Board of Directors considering the relevant provisions of the Articles of Association of our Company



FULL NAME                              TITLE


Hüseyin Faik Açıkalın                 President

Hacı Ahmet Kılıçoğlu                Member




FULL NAME                              TITLE


Agah Uğur                               President

Hacı Ahmet Kılıçoğlu                Member

Murat Doğu                               Member



Corporate Governance Committee, will continue its duties until the first Board of Directors’ Meeting to be held after General Assembly to convene to discuss 2020 activity results will be discussed. The Corporate Governance Committee assumes the duties of the “Nomination Committee” and the “Remuneration Committee”, as governed with the “Decree on Corporate Governance” of the Capital Markets Board (CMB) (II-17.1)



to constitute the Risk Assessment Committee that has established pursuant to the Article 378 of the Turkish Commercial Code and the Capital Markets Board (CMB) "Decree on Corporate Governance" (II-17.1)





FULL NAME                              TITLE


Hüseyin Faik Açıkalın                President

Hacı Ahmet Kılıçoğlu                 Member

Agah Uğur                                Member

Ahmet Toksoy                           Member

Bora Yalınay                             Member



to stipulate that the committee presidents and members do not receive any salaries for functioning in the committees

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